Performance with Savings Performance Formula®, as its name implies, improves engine performance and fuel economy. It achieves this by the detergents in the chemistry that clean the fuel injection system along with the cetane improver, which results in easier starting, less smoke and more complete combustion. The net result is more horsepower, torque and increased economy. Regular use of Stanadyne Performance Formula will more than pay for itself.
Testing has shown that loss of engine horsepower, torque and fuel economy caused by Internal Diesel Injector Deposits (IDID) can be restored back to original factory specifications by using PF Injector Cleaner on a periodic basis.
Performance Formula was developed by one of the premier leaders in the fuel injection equipment industry. Their 50-plus years of fuel injection system and engine experience inspired the development of fuel additives to provide the utmost protection of any fuel injection system, while simultaneously restoring the performance of the engine. Performance Formula has been developed to prevent various fuel related issues as well as keeping the engine and it’s fuel injection system operating at peak performance. Performance Formula “All Season Protection” is formulated for year round protection where the seasonality of warm and cold weather is present.